July Sales Schedule

July sales schedule
Check out all the champs and skins on sale this July! Like previous sales schedules, we’re not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they’ll all be on sale sometime next month.
Just a heads up – since we’re publishing these in advance, we won’t offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale.
Regularly Scheduled Sales:
ChampionSale PriceSkinSale Price
Aatrox487Astronaut Teemo675
Akali395Black Belt Udyr260
Bard487Blade Queen Lissandra675
Dr. Mundo292Bloodstone Taric487
Draven440Charred Maokai487
Ezreal440Commando Galio260
Gnar487Constable Trundle375
Gragas395Cutthroat Graves375
Irelia440Elderwood Bard487
Jinx487Galactic Azir487
Kalista487Groovy Zilean260
Kennen440Guardian of the Sands Kha’Zix487
Kha’Zix487Guqin Sona487
Lissandra487Hazmat Heimerdinger487
Malzahar440Headhunter Master Yi487
Miss Fortune395High Noon Twisted Fate487
Nocturne440Infernal Alistar487
Olaf395Lumberjack Sion260
Rammus292Nightmare Tryndamere375
Rengar487Oktoberfest Gragas487
Sejuani440Order of the Lotus Karma487
Sion292Pharaoh Nasus260
Sona395Pickpocket Twitch375
Swain440Piltover Customs Blitzcrank675
Syndra487Prehistoric Anivia375
Talon440Prehistoric Renekton375
Taric292Prestigious Leblanc260
Thresh487Reverse Annie487
Udyr292Rogue Admiral Garen375
Urgot395Silverfang Akali487
Varus440Superb Villain Veigar487
Vi487Uncle Ryze260
Vladimir440Viridian Kayle260
Xin Zhao292Void Fizz675
Zac487Warring Kingdoms Nidalee487
Ziggs440Warrior Princess Sivir260
Early Sales
SkinPriceSale Price
Beast Hunter Sejuani750520
Blood Moon Kennen975750
Definitely Not Vel’Koz750520
High Noon Jhin1350975
Radiant Wukong1350975
Sweetheart Sona975750

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